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Hey devs! Will this game eventually be available for MacOS?

Yes, we will also add the phone and MacOs versions in the future, that way, you all can enjoy amazing content from me :3

Wow! You are so generous :)

Hi, I had a quick question: will there be other language versions of the game like

(Russia, French, Italian, Spanish,)?


Hello there, yes, the languages I intend to add are Spanish and Chinese :o

Very good then I leave my rating at 5 I can't wait to see what you prepare :D


Hehe, I have a feeling you'd like what I have made for day 2  :D

Excuse me, Can we translate this game into Chinese? 

We have interesting in this game, hope can get authorized to do it.

Of course, we can talk more on my discord @dhderry

(1 edit) (+1)

For a start of this VN it's incredible,😁👍 the characters and the scenario👌 frankly the only rating I can give is a 5 stars

(be careful, I will change it in the future but in any case congratulations)


I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! I look forward to seeing how your views may change as the story progresses. Hopefully, you'll like everything I've got planned >:3

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh then I will post a comment at least when there are chapters 2 and 3 or even four, that way it will give me time to see the plans you have in mind :))

Yo will there be Android ver in th future?


Of course, I plan to make one because I know many people are mobile users, hope you will enjoy our project once we add that version :)

(1 edit)

Yep I am glad to say yes of course 


before starting I shared this VN with my friends I hope they will rate it and leave a comment

so to begin with I think it looks really incredible nice the animations of the characters, the environment the apartment incredible I like the style of the characters (weird I've already seen this style somewhere or maybe it's me who imagines it), the story the scenario OK frankly even if the beginning is promising


let's start right away, this VN is (SFW or NSFW or both), so can you explain the objective to me a little?, like the MC and the wolf because I didn't understand towards the end of the story finally I understood that the panther was dead (I hope I don't spoil anything because I didn't understand anything)


I didn't find it, so we can continue


it's a very good VN ultimately especially for a start I hesitate to give a 3 star rating I tell myself that it would be a little too mean on my part so I think there was a 5 star neither more nor less maybe I will change my mind until later for the moment I hope there will be a sequel and frankly congratulations incredible


We're committed to improving our game, but it will require time and patience.

As for the two main characters, Tyler's journey revolves around finding his father. Along the way, he faces many challenges but also discovers that family isn't always defined by blood. Sometimes, the connections we make with others can be just as strong. To learn more about his journey, you'll have to experience it yourself.

Blake's path is more complex. He's learning to heal from his past, with Tyler by his side, helping him find a happier and more fulfilling future.

Keep in mind, that this is just the beginning, so the story is still in its early stages, but it's shaping up to be a wonderful journey. Otherwise thanks for your kind words! And yes, after AJBH, there will be a sequel with even more varied paths to explore. ^^

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! (Sry, thank you very much for the VN)

You're welcome and I hope you enjoyed it ^^

It was really good I enjoyed a lot.  Also was that Blake's ex boyfriend or something cause that what it was giving fr. 👀👀

I'm so excited

I need this now!!!

Hahah, in a few weeks the vn will be out 👀

I am so excited bro

We all doooo


Can't wait😍
